That Ain't Right...

A shout-out to the fashion faux pas and unseemly snafus plaguing our world today!

Monday, April 10, 2006

DIY Surgery???!!!

Yes, you read that correctly. In today's age of the do-it-yourselfer, we have the food network- showing you, the average Martha or Rachel Ray wannabe, how you too can make gourmet meals in 30 minutes or less- "why bother with expensive culinary school when you can watch our tv show and follow these easy steps to having your own gourmet meal?! "

Or how about one of my favorite channels, TLC, which shows you simple tricks round the clock to redecorate your home on a small budget, taking the old junk in your house and transforming it like new? Sure, the paint might look better if you had a professional come in and do it, and the small construction project, retiling, or flooring might not be as good a job if you do it yourself, but hey, the idea is to save money right???

Well the latest trend in the DIY world has been taken to a whole new level (or World, if your name is Aladin): The Do it yourself Lasik eye surgery. Now instead of leaving those perky medical issues and surgeries to the doctors, we can save time and money by performing eye surgery on ourselves- ignore the fact please that this procedure has not been entirely approved by the FDA (frankly, I'm horrified that the FDA would even consider making part of this legal, but I guess I'm just old fashioned), and follow these easy steps to new and improved eyesight! Simply find a quiet place in your home, take the drugs that they give you to provide minimal pain management (this is the part that's still pending FDA approval- the virtually painless surgery that they claim), shoot the laser in your eye (be careful not to blink!), shoot it in the other eye (again, no blinking you wimp!), and put on your eye mask and allow the proper amount of time for recovery. The pictures do it so much more justice than I could:

Oh. My. Gosh. Words cannot even describe the horror that this suggests. Oh, and PS, so does that mean that after I (tentatively) perform successful surgery on myself that I could take a correspondance class from home and learn how to fly a plane without ever getting profession instruction as well, as the pictures suggest??


  • At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    did you see the review from a satisfied customer? it said:
    "L aldi lkweilkeo dki. B.ryowe aeikls jfdos alsi."

  • At 11:57 AM, Blogger Amanda Bradley said…

    okay- well even if no one else does, I think it's funny, Ari!

  • At 10:31 PM, Blogger Mary Anna said…

    I think they hired a fifth grader to draw these illustrations...

  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger Amanda Bradley said…


    Due to recent information brought to light by our friends at Snopes, the lasik at home has been proven to be a hoax.

    My apologies go out to all of you who were gearing up to perform surgery on yourself, and I promise to research my articles better in the future before printing them as fact.


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