That Ain't Right...

A shout-out to the fashion faux pas and unseemly snafus plaguing our world today!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Survivor: Memphis

In the south, once the warm weather hits, it is fairly common to pass roadside stands along highways or country roads. Most of the time they're selling home-grown vegetables- fresh corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons- or other times stands are set up to sell some kind of homemade craft. Heck, I've even seen people selling fireworks on the side of the road close to the 4th of July. And of course, how can we neglect the junior entrepreneuers and their highly successful lemonade stands?

But then you travel to Memphis. And not only do you witness several drug deals go down, but you capture the most ghetto roadside stand of them all on your camera phone. This TAR moment is compliments of my friend Ben.


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