That Ain't Right...

A shout-out to the fashion faux pas and unseemly snafus plaguing our world today!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Orange you glad your skin doesn't look like this??

It's true that I loathe UT's new head coach Bruce Pearl. I know he's done great things for Tennessee's men's basketball program, but when you grow up a die-hard UK fan, it's an impossible task to cheer for UT. That said, I appreciate Bruce's enthusiasm and how he's gotten the students and fans more involved in the game. I even think the orange blazer he dons for big games is a nice touch. However, I would venture to say that our Rocky-Top-ridden coach is dipping into the self-tanner a bit much, ala Charlize Theron at the Oscars a few years ago.

I mean, he pretty much Matches his blazer! On tv it looked even worse- and he looked 10 pounds heavier, but that's neither here nor there. I think it's pretty safe to say that self tanners work, and that they can be overused. My advice to Brucey would be to switch to a shade lighter, say perhaps a Vanderbilt Gold.


  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Mary Anna said…

    I'm incredibly honored that a UK fan would suggest to a UT fan that anything characteristic of VU is brings tears to my eyes.

    The masses may disagree across the board in trivial matters, but few are those who believe anything in UT Orange is a "do."

    VU Gold: That is SO Right!

  • At 5:02 PM, Blogger Heather said…

    thank you posting this. I've always thought the fact that his skin basically matching his tie, not to mention the blazzer is a horrible travesity! It definitely isn't right.

  • At 12:11 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Folks, I'm gonna have to balance the scales a little bit. I grew up a UT fan, and my blood runs orange (although it's a little less bright than it used to be). I love the jacket and all its obnoxiousness. The more orange the better! Bruce Pearl has done a lot to revitalize UT basketball and the school spirit around it. Did anyone else see the orange & white checkered audience the other night? Awesome.

  • At 9:21 PM, Blogger Doohdle said…

    I'm a UT fan and I can deal with the gaudy jacket, but Pearl needs a new anti-perspirant.


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