That Ain't Right...

A shout-out to the fashion faux pas and unseemly snafus plaguing our world today!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Belly-Up Buddha!

On the way to Florida this past weekend, we passed this guy riding in the back of a pickup truck. Not only is riding in a pickup truck flatbed, going 80 mph on the interstate, incredibly dangerous, but letting your belly flap in the wind is just plain wrong. We got a wave and a smile out of this guy as we drove by, but I captured his bellylicious glory for permanent infamy on TAR.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hello faithful readers! It's Rhonda Lu. I always get excited when I have a TAR post. Today's tasty morsel is, once again, provided by the great state of Kentucky. On Thursday I was riding up to Lexington when this disaster flew past us like a bat out of hell. As you can see, some Kentucky boy has hacked off the back of his Pontiac Firebird in order to fulfill his lifelong dream of owning an El Camino. I'm so happy that the KY education system has such a strong high school shop class program. One thing you can't see is the dog that was in the back. This was a huge black dog, long shaggy hair blowing in the wind. I'm sad that he ducked back inside when I started snapping photos. It would have made the pic that much better.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Ghetto Satellite Radio

I was on my way home from work last week and pulled up behind this fine nugget of a TAR, and then proceeded to endanger my life on the interstate as I whipped out my camera and took a picture.

Now, I've never seen an antenna this large attached to a car before. From the looks of things, I think we might have a little satellite radio pirating going on. Why pay for XM or Sirius when you can build your own receiver and get it for free???

Thursday, May 11, 2006

T-shirts that Crab your attention

This is a leftover pic from the fun weekend my family was in town that I have been meaning to post. This semi-young gentleman is a friend of my aunt/uncle/cousin and purchased this T-shirt from Joe's Crabshack in Nashville the night before (This pic was taken at the Tin Roof). Now what middle-aged woman Wouldn't want to be hit on by a fellow wearing this shirt I ask you?