That Ain't Right...

A shout-out to the fashion faux pas and unseemly snafus plaguing our world today!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Sirvun up hot vittles, from opne to clothes

Picture it: southbound I-65, somewhere between Tennessee and Kentucky, September 2005. A girl makes a much-needed stop at the first available roadside DQ and/or McD's for some refreshment. ("see a lot of people come in, a lot of people come to the D.Q... burgers... ice cream... anything, you know? Cokes... just drive in and get a Coke, if you're thirsty. " ~LMB) She's intrigued by what she sees next door to these eateries: Big Bubba Burt's Belly Bustin BBQ Bliss. I kid you not; if you don't believe me, I'll send you a larger picture so you can zoom in on B-cubed's tee shirt and read it ALL for yourself.

As anyone who was brought up in or around the South can tell you, Big Bubba Burt's is not unusual enough a sight/site to be featured on our TAR blog. However, the fact that the owners of this fine establishment understand the concept of alliteration....and yet can't spell OPEN correctly is. That's some fine schoolin.

Other tidbits I enjoy: 1) the gas tank painted like a pig...because everyone wants to be reminded just exactly where and what their food used to be. It even has a cute little coil tail. 2) you can't really see it in this pic, but the one concrete table for BBBBBBB is painted bright blue, and features a camo patio umbrella...I think it's pretty clear the camo is there to ensure patrons' anonymity. (I'm told if you click on the picture, a larger version will open...or is it opne?) 3) the rearview mirror: evidence that this shot was taken from my vehicle because I was too embarrassed to get close to B^7.

So on which side of the TN-KY border did I happen upon Big Bubba Burt's Belly Bustin BBQ Bliss? Let the debate begin.


  • At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It wasn't embarrassment that kept you in the car… you were just too full from having just driven over there and loaded up on that succulent pork paradise! You just wanted to take a photo to keep at your desk as a daily reminder of your favorite restaurant!

  • At 1:54 PM, Blogger Mary Anna said…

    Ok my guess is least I hope no one in my home state is dumb enough to misspell a second-grade word...


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