Ok, it's my official debut on the "That Ain't Right..." blog. Thanks for the invite, girls. I hope my pictures will live up to the quintessential example you have set for us all.
I took this picture on a boat tour in Amsterdam a few weeks ago. This cruise is about $20 mind you, and for some reason, this woman thought it was worth $20 to cruise around town and sunbathe...not looking at ANYthing along the way. And just so she wouldn't miss an inch, she hiked up her shirt and unbuttoned her pants. I was with two gentleman, who shall remain nameless to protect their innocence, who did not find this lady very attractive and did not appreciate her "letting it all hang out." To make this picture even better, one of the nameless gentlemen decided to frame her stomach...I think he did a pretty good job, don't you?
PS - I just did a spell check, and it didn't recognize the word "blog." What blog doesn't recognize its own name?!?! That ain't right...
At 11:34 AM, jillymae said…
i saw something 10 times worse Saturday while canoeing...seriously! so horrible i couldn't take a picture - there are some people who just shouldn't wear bikinis, yet they do. guys have been TAGGED
you're it!
At 11:34 PM, Anonymous said…
Yep, I was there and that's how it went down. Pretty Eurofreaky!!!
At 5:19 PM, Anonymous said…
I just don't get it. There are those who wear low-rise jeans and cropped shirts with about 10 extra pounds of belly fat hanging out.
We've all seen worse, but this picture is downright gross to me, probably because she unbottoned her jeans too. Please people, don't flaunt your extra baggage.
At 12:50 AM, Anonymous said…
i think i recogize those moldiva nails. and, i totally didn't think your blog post could be any funnier until i read your ps. THAT is high-larious!
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