That Ain't Right...

A shout-out to the fashion faux pas and unseemly snafus plaguing our world today!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

NASCAR fever

So..... this past Saturday, my boyfriend went to a NASCAR race (John is on the right). As you can see, he had an awesome That Ain't Right moment and luckily he captured it on film. Upon zooming in I've determined that No, those are NOT fake Bubba teeth. (I'm on the verge of thinking this is just plain mean, but I'm posting it anyway, bless his heart.)

I am sure us That Ain't Right moderators would've had a field day at the NASCAR race! Can you imagine?? Wow....what an opportunity.


  • At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love it!!

    That just might be the... well I will keep my mouth shut.

  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger Mary Anna said…

    Rhonda's going to hell!


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