That Ain't Right...

A shout-out to the fashion faux pas and unseemly snafus plaguing our world today!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Designer Impostors

I bet you thought I'd fallen off the face of the blogosphere. In truth, it's been so long since I blogged that I actually forgot where I needed to go to add a post! But this TAR sighting was one I felt I needed to share.

I was driving along one of Dallas's busiest roads this week when I realized that the truck in front of me had a peculiar brand name...

In a town where the impostors are so good they are barely discernible from the real-deal (see: Louis Vuitton handbags, Tasti D-lite, female breasts), I wondered if perhaps this "Dodeg" truck was just another in a long line of look-a-likes. The alternative explanation - that the vehicle came off the assembly line with this misspelling - seems unlikely, given that we all know how well Chrysler has been managed in recent years.

We may never know if this truck was an authentic Dodge vehicle or not, but we can surely agree that driving around town with a jumbled mess of a car name just ain't right.
